Handpicked by a Auckland 当地的专家, we bring you our guide to '奥克兰遗愿清单'.
作为新西兰最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一, Auckland offers a wide range of thrilling experiences to try at any time of the year. 我们的“奥克兰遗愿清单”突出了那些必须尝试体验的活动.
跳伞是一项独特而刺激的运动. How often do you get to admire the views from New Zealand's tallest structure then jump off it? 乐趣,刺激和神经的考验-跳伞有这一切. SkyJump is a bit like Base Jumping except you've the added comfort of being attached to a wire! Be your own stuntman as you leap off from an eye watering height and fall to the ground ...
沿着古代毛利人和早期拓荒者的路线, 体验这个独特的渡轮之旅,从上游港口到河源, 新西兰最古老的河边酒馆. Experience the fantastic scenery and amazing history based around Auckland’s upper harbour estuaries on a relaxing cruise combined with the great food, 在历史悠久的河头酒馆喝酒和娱乐. ...
奥克兰水上飞机 offer fantastic views of the city and its surrounds with a range of scenic flights and fly and dine options. Enjoy a different view of the Auckland skyline and the Harbour islands on a short flight or head out for longer with an island hopping tour or a flight from the west coast to the east. 所有的飞机都是从水上起飞和降落的. 飞行和用餐套餐包括...
Explore the sights of Auckland city and sea, with a scenic flight from Heletranz. 该团队专注于创造奢侈品, 在奥克兰及其周边地区量身定制的解决方案, 怀赫克岛和更远的地方专为您设计. 拥有一支由单发和双发直升机组成的舰队, 包括豪华的Agusta 109s Grand和Bell 427, 该团队提供直升机包机服务和客户服务...
你有恐高症吗? 在1号公路上散步.2米宽的人行道环绕着奥克兰著名的天空塔. No handrails,192 metres up in the air, and nothing but air on either side of you. 人行天桥 is a thrilling and unique way to take in the spectacular views of Auckland city and beyond. Take a mixture of adrenaline, fun, excitement and awe and you come up with the SkyWal...
Explore Group offers sailing enthusiasts the chance to get down and dirty onboard a genuine America's Cup racing yacht. Auckland is famous for its sailing history, especially in the sport's premier competition. The America's Cup Sail Auckland trip lets you stand in the deck shoes of professional racers. 没有经验是必要的,因为你的专业友好的船员会告诉你...
奥克兰冒险飞机为您提供一次冒险之旅. Experience the beauty and sights of Auckland whilst aboard our jet boat that twists, 在奥克兰的怀特玛塔港旋转飞驰. 一旦你上了船, prepare to enjoy an adrenaline rush as you power across the water at incredible speeds. This is a high-octane ride which lets you experience some of Auckland's most 图标ic landmark...
Ultimate city adventure, including bungy and bridge climb over Auckland Harbour. 世界上第一个海港大桥蹦极的所在地,自2003年开始运营. 一生难得一跳. AJ Hackett是世界上最好的蹦极运动员的代名词. This one, off the awesome Auckland Harbour Bridge, promises an experience you'll never forget. 桥下面挂着一个跳跃舱...
奥克兰战争纪念馆是奥克兰的第一座博物馆, 现在居住在新西兰最好的遗产建筑之一. This structurally impressive neo-classical building commands a striking presence and houses millions of objects, 提供教育服务, 每年吸引50多万游客. The narrative of war and how it shaped New Zealand's identity makes for a compelling s...
The 全黑队经历 is a fully guided, state-of-the-art, interactive show. Your time at the 全黑队经历 will include a 45 minute guided tour where you learn what it takes to make, 塑造自己,成为一名全黑队员. This will include learning the story and feeling the passion behind the All Blacks haka, 近距离接触. 然后你可以测试你的橄榄球技术与所有B...
让自己沉浸在奥克兰的海港环境中,在水上用餐. 当您离开码头前往开阔水域时,品尝小吃和欢迎饮料. Your friendly knowledgeable crew will talk you through Auckland’s unique history as you sail past 图标ic landmarks. 参加帆船运动的机会很多, 捕捉完美的镜头或只是坐下来享受风景. ...
在维多利亚山上可以看到奥克兰市的全景, Rangitoto岛, 北岸和豪拉基湾. 从美丽的海滨小镇德文波特的山顶开始, 走这条陡峭的路大约需要20分钟才能到达山顶. 或者,你也可以开车到山顶,那里有停车位. 维多利亚山 Reserve is a great (and free) way to see postcard views of the Auckland region...
皮哈是奥克兰最著名的海滩. 位于奥克兰西海岸 , this wild and untamed black sandy beach is a favourite with surfers of all skill levels and tourists captivated by its rugged beauty. 皮亚岛被标志性的、经常被拍照的狮子山分成两个海滩. 坐落在怀塔克雷山脉的边缘, 这片受欢迎的沙滩大约45分钟车程...
怀塔克雷山脉地区公园坐落在奥克兰地区的西海岸, 并提供丰富的户外活动. 沙滩, 泡沫的瀑布, a plethora of walking tracks plus camping facilities in the forest - it's a nature lover's paradise. Hike through the lush woodland to find the Kitekite Falls, Fairy Falls and Karekare Falls. 去看tui, kaka和kereru的鸟,或者碰碰运气...
拥有奥克兰最高的火山, 这个大公园是这个城市的标志, offering superb views of the city skyline and a fantastic 50-metre deep crater to explore. Mount Eden Domain is situated just 5km south of the CBD in the suburb of the same name. 它的中心是196米高的伊甸火山, 从山顶上你可以看到新西兰最美的景色之一, 特别是...