2024年7月5日,星期五 奥克兰 , 奥克兰CBD享受1.在奥克兰的怀特玛塔港进行5小时的航行. Enjoy onboard refreshments and engaging live commentary from the crew while taking in the 图标ic city sights.
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享受1.在奥克兰的怀特玛塔港进行5小时的航行. Enjoy onboard refreshments and engaging live commentary from the crew while taking in the 图标ic city sights.
Visit 奥克兰 Museum and learn about the stories of New Zealand and its cultural heritage and special exhibitions. 在Tuitui博物馆小酒馆和咖啡馆享受咖啡,并探索博物馆商店.
参加探索海洋的介绍,即使不游泳的人也可以加入. 在热情的教练的陪伴下在山羊岛浮潜.
Immerse yourself in the fully-realized future of entertainment with Hologate virtual reality, a one-of-a-kind multiplayer gaming experience with a wide variety of games perfect for friends or family.
当您探索画廊时,可以发现800多件艺术作品, 花园, 和雕塑博物馆的葡萄园. 欣赏作品从巴斯奎特,海怪艺术集团,夏加尔,和更多与此入场券.
Travel across Waitemata Harbor from 奥克兰 and visit the stunning Waiheke岛 using this convenient and frequently departing ferry. Take advantage of this reliable ferry service to discover and explore the highlights of Waiheke.
奥克兰 is regularly voted as one of the most liveable cities on Earth and this small group, 带导游的电动自行车之旅旨在展示为什么这个头衔是当之无愧的.
从奥克兰乘坐渡轮体验怀赫克岛的美丽. See the local sights with a hop-on hop-off bus tour to 16 destinations like the Mudbrick Vineyard and the Cable Bay Vineyard.
与当地导游一起进行8小时的奥克兰之旅. Marvel at the must-see attractions and listen to the stories your knowledgeable guide unfolds.
Glide across a canopy of native New Zealand bush on a 3-hour zipline adventure on Waiheke岛. Enjoy 3 stunning 650-foot ziplines, look down over stunning vineyards, and tracts of original forest.
游览奥克兰,揭示这座城市的亮点和历史. Benefit from the insights of your experienced guide and the comfort of a modern air-conditioned vehicle.
Travel across Waitemata Harbor from 奥克兰 and visit the stunning Waiheke岛 using this convenient and frequently departing ferry. Take advantage of this reliable ferry service to discover and explore the highlights of Waiheke.
享受一天的对比,发现奥克兰最好的城市, 海滩, 在一个完全由导游带领的小组日里欣赏雨林, 包括新西兰式的下午茶.
从奥克兰乘坐渡轮体验怀赫克岛的美丽. See the local sights with a hop-on hop-off bus tour to 16 destinations like the Mudbrick Vineyard and the Cable Bay Vineyard.
Climb aboard a genuine America’s Cup yacht and set sail on the sparkling waters of 奥克兰’s Waitemata Harbor. 不需要航海经验,你可以积极参与,或者只是享受旅程!
奥克兰 is regularly voted as one of the most liveable cities on Earth and this small group, 带导游的电动自行车之旅旨在展示为什么这个头衔是当之无愧的.
Treat yourself to a unique combination of sailing and dining with a dinner cruise on Waitemata Harbor. 享受美味的套餐新西兰票价,同时采取在城市的美景.
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在奥克兰寻找一些令人兴奋的约会之夜的想法? 不要再看了! 从探索城市充满活力的夜生活到沉浸在浪漫的用餐体验中, 对于想要共度难忘夜晚的情侣来说,奥克兰有很多选择...
计划去奥克兰摩天塔? 在你离开之前找出你需要知道的最重要的事情! 从令人叹为观止的景色到惊险刺激的活动, 这篇文章将确保你充分利用你的旅行到这个标志性的地标....
Our quick guide to all the main 奥克兰 tourist sports that you’ll want not want to miss on your trip to 奥克兰. 发现最好的景点和自然地标参观....
你打算去奥克兰浪漫度假吗? 在这个终极指南中, we will take you on a journey through the top 20 things to do for couples visiting 新西兰最大的城市. ...
如果你计划从奥克兰到岛屿湾旅行,那你就来享受一下吧! This ultimate guide will provide you with all the information you need to make the most of your journey. ...
奥克兰, 新西兰繁华的大都市, 一个城市能为当地人和游客提供各种各样的体验吗. Its city centre, in particular, is filled with numerous attractions that cater to all interests....
奥克兰是一个充满冒险、文化和美丽风景的城市. 无论你是本地人还是游客,这里总有事情可做. 这里有10件有趣的事情,你可以在奥克兰做,充分利用你在这里的时间! ...
奥克兰, 新西兰最大的城市, 它不仅是一个充满活力的城市中心,也是通往令人惊叹的自然奇观的门户吗. 如果你来奥克兰旅游并且有空闲时间, 考虑花一天的时间去周边地区探险. ...
探索奥克兰豪拉基湾波光粼粼的水域有很多选择. Some of them are all about comfort and others are genuine adventures, but there is a middle ground. ...
徒步探索是体验真正的奥克兰市中心的最佳方式. 在皇后街可以找到购物者的喜悦, 附近的Britomart和the Chancery的高档设计师店. 如果你想在水边用餐, the 高架桥港口 and Wynyard季度 are a short walk from the ferry terminal on Quay Street.
Our guide to 奥克兰东 by our 奥克兰 local expert - Enjoying a majestic coastline and awesome views over the Hauraki海湾, 奥克兰东部是一个自然天堂, 也是观鸟者的热门目的地, 水上运动爱好者, 休闲旅行者和美食家. 农贸市场, 酒庄, 众多悬崖峭壁和海岸线的海岸小径以及美丽的传统村庄, 让这个地区不仅仅是给游客的礼物, 也是奥克兰较为富裕的居民追捧的房地产地段.
我们的奥克兰当地专家的奥克兰北部指南-穿越海港大桥, 奥克兰北部包括海滨度假胜地, 奥克兰最好的海滩, 积极进取的葡萄园, 还有历史悠久的村庄. The sea is king here but there are some great parks and reserves to spend a few hours getting back to nature.
Our guide to 奥克兰南 by our 奥克兰 local expert - The culture-rich suburbs of 奥克兰南 contain some of the city's highest concentrations of Maori and Polynesian people, 包括奥克兰地峡的南端, 从Otahuhu, 穿过曼吉尔, Papatoetoe和Manurewa, 去机场. 很棒的步道, 崎岖的海岸景观, 还有一个真正朴实的社区, 保证一些很棒的餐厅, 当地的艺术, 还有很多故事.
Our guide to 奥克兰西 by our 奥克兰 local expert - Where the mighty Tasman Sea comes battering onto 奥克兰's shores, 这是大自然最狂野不羁的一面. 与平静形成鲜明对比的, 宁静的东海岸, 奥克兰西部因其作为城市最未受破坏地区之一的声誉而感到高兴.
我们的奥克兰当地专家为我们提供的奥克兰观光指南. 在奥克兰以外的几个小时的车程内,有许多对比鲜明的风景. 我们选了一个f...
Our guide to Britomart by our 奥克兰 local expert - Just a short walk east from 高架桥港口, 你会发现奥克兰最古老的街区之一, 现在这里是最新的零售区.
我们的导游是奥克兰当地专家,从奥克兰市驱车两小时到达科罗曼德尔, 迷人的科罗曼德尔半岛是当地人最喜欢的度假胜地. 有400多公里风景如画的海岸线, 海滩和海湾, 还有数不清的灌木覆盖的走道. 内陆, 你会发现崎岖不平, 火山山, 隐藏在雨林中, 这里有世界上最高的蕨类树,非常适合徒步旅行.
Our guide to 德文波特 by our 奥克兰 local expert - 奥克兰’s seaside suburb of 德文波特 can be found on the North Shore, 风景如画的半岛形成了怀特玛塔港的北部边缘.
我们的奥克兰当地专家的豪拉基湾指南. 奥克兰的豪拉基湾排名1.200万公顷的海洋游乐场,为奥克兰人和游客提供服务. 50多个岛屿的壮观美景, 看似无穷无尽的海湾, 常被遗弃的田园诗般的海滩, 红艳艳的pohutakawa森林和扫沙的自然背景, 清澈的大海和湛蓝的天空非常吸引人.
Our guide to 使命湾 by our 奥克兰 local expert - 使命湾 is one of 奥克兰’s eastern suburbs on the southern shore of the Waitemata Harbour and approximately 8 kms from the CBD. To the east, south and west are the neighbouring suburbs of Kohimarama, Meadowbank and Orakei. 从海滩向北看, 视野中充满了熟悉的朗伊托托岛的轮廓.
我们的导游伊甸山由我们的奥克兰当地专家-伊甸山, CBD西南部, 奥克兰的最高点在哪里, 伊甸山本身, 海拔196米, 自然提供了一些最好的360度的城市景观.
被许多人认为是奥克兰首屈一指的零售中心(和时尚之都)!), 纽马克特的商店密度很高,还有很多时髦的酒吧和餐馆可供选择, making it a popular destination for city dwellers who prefer to get away from the hustle and bustle of the CBD.
帕内尔以自己是奥克兰最古老的郊区而自豪,这里有几个标志性的特征. Mention "帕内尔" to most New Zealanders and you will invariably get a response of "帕内尔 Rose Gardens" or "帕内尔 Village". 从 奥克兰 city, a ten minute ride on a Link Bus will transport you to a whole new world.
Two decades ago the run down suburb was a magnet for burgeoning artists and a reputed safe haven for the gay and lesbian communities. Ponsonby今天, “丰富多彩”但值得尊敬吗, its Victorian-style houses now creating an exclusive residential suburb for 奥克兰’s upper-middle-class.
Our guide to 皇后大街 by our 奥克兰 local expert - If you want to sample a bit of everything that 奥克兰 has to offer, 前往皇后街, 奥克兰的主干道. It's 3km long, and stretches from K'Road, all the way to the waterfront, so it's a real artery.
The 高架桥港口 is a magnet for 奥克兰ers with its compact selection of waterfront cafes, 酒吧和小酒馆. 海港对游客有着巨大的吸引力, 太, 没有什么比在海滨漫步更好的了, 或者掉进一家屡获殊荣的餐馆, 当你看着船在水面上颠簸时
Our guide to Waitakere范围 by our 奥克兰 local expert - Only 40mins from the heart of 奥克兰, 怀塔克雷山脉提供40个,000英亩的雨林和崎岖的海岸线, 250公里的步行道, 还有一些令人叹为观止的瀑布.
Situated between 高架桥港口 and Westhaven Marina is the waterfront area known as Wynyard季度. A transformation project has seen the original port area regenerate into hip and modern extension to 高架桥港口.